Tatiana Khodyuchenko

Personal information

Work address

Laboratory of chromosome structure and function, Biology Research Institute, Saint-Petersburg State University, Oranienbaumskoie sch. 2, Stary Petergof, Saint-Petersburg, 198504, Russia.

Education & Qualifications

2014 Postdoc Junior research scientist (Saint-Petersburg State University, The Faculty of Biology and Soil sciences, Department of Cytology and Histology).
Doctor of Philosophy in Biology (Saint-Petersburg State University, The Faculty of Biology and Soil sciences, Department of Cytology and Histology, Laboratory of chromosome structure and function).
Thesis: Coilin-containing bodies in the nuclei of growing pigeon (Columba livia) oocytes.

Master Sc. degree in Biology (Saint-Petersburg State University, The Faculty of Biology and Soil sciences, Department of Cytology and Histology).

Bachelor of Science in Biology (Saint-Petersburg State University, The Faculty of Biology and Soil sciences).

Major Publications

1. T. A. Khodyuchenko, A. V. Krasikova. (2014) Cajal bodies and histone locus bodies: Molecular composition and function // Russian Journal of Developmental Biology. V. 45:6. P. 5297–312.

2. Khodyuchenko T., Gaginskaya E., Krasikova A. (2012) Non-canonical Cajal bodies form in the nucleus of late stage avian oocytes lacking functional nucleolus // Histochemistry and Cell Biology. V. 138. ¹ 1. P. 57-73.

3. Krasikova A., Khodyuchenko T., Maslova A., Vasilevskaya E. (2012) Three-dimensional organization of RNA-processing machinery in avian growing oocyte nucleus // Chromosome Research. V.20. ¹ 8. P. 979-994.